dreams death god
video art
dreams, are they about you or about me; are you flying or falling; are you running or is it a lump in your throat?

death, who is it with; is it easy or difficult; loud or quiet; and also — why?

god, if exists, then where is he; if with me, then why not now; if hears me, then am I dreaming?

This series of interviews with people about dreams, death and God has started by the very end of July 2023. So far, 40 people participated in the project.
dreams death god
video art

dreams, are they about you or about me; are you flying or falling; are you running or is it a lump in your throat?

death, who is it with; is it easy or difficult; loud or quiet; and also — why?

god, if exists, then where is he; if with me, then why not now; if hears me, then am I dreaming?

This series of interviews with people about dreams, death and God has started by the very end of July 2023. So far, 40 people participated in the project.