video installation, 12:00
The project was implemented as part of an intervention in the space of the permanent exposition of the All-Russian Decorative Art Museum.

Analyzing the heritage of such a Russian artist as Mikhail Vrubel, I made an attempt to symbolically "complete" his famous fireplace.

My water installation is based on the northern Slavic myth about the so-called "To Forget-river". Crossing it after one's death, a person would forget everything that happened to him/her during lifetime. I tried to turn the fireplace into a portal to the "other world", suggesting the existence of a "new myth" about the "Nottoforget-river", which help us to remember our heritage.
video installation, 12:00

The project was implemented as part of an intervention in the space of the permanent exposition of the All-Russian Decorative Art Museum.

Analyzing the heritage of such a Russian artist as Mikhail Vrubel, I made an attempt to symbolically "complete" his famous fireplace.

My water installation is based on the northern Slavic myth about the so-called "To Forget-river". Crossing it after one's death, a person would forget everything that happened to him/her during lifetime. I tried to turn the fireplace into a portal to the "other world", suggesting the existence of a "new myth" about the "Nottoforget-river", which help us to remember our heritage.